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Javascript Function

JavaScript Function

Each function includes a handler event listener where users can write their code. This listener is triggered by an HTTP request to the URL specified in the photoniq.toml file. The Response object allows you to build various types of responses.

This is the basic boilerplate code required for each function. Users can add their custom code in the section marked with <USER CODE IS WRITTEN HERE>.

addEventListener("handler", (event) => {

Below is an example of a function template code:

addEventListener("handler", (event) => {
let response = `PhotonIQ FaaS function is working => Env Var MESSAGE = ${MESSAGE}`;

// Log messages with the following methods: error, warn, info, debug, trace
log.error(`[${file_line()}] Log an [ERROR] message`);

return event.respondWith(new HttpResponseBuilder().body(response).build());